Would you like to have a magic show held for your group with no upfront costs? Would you like it to be in your auditorium, multipurpose room or theater? If your group is a non-profit organization, we can make that happen. If your group is not non-profit, we can still work with you and help you raise funds. You sell the tickets and we do all the rest.
How does it work?
First, contact us. We will meet with you, and discuss your needs. We will look at your theater, auditorium or multi-purpose room and see if it will work for us; most do. You will tell us the parameters of the show and any restrictions you might have. We will put on a show that your audience will love. We will have plenty of audience participation and leave the group mystified and entertained. After the show we will stay for a meet and greet, too. We can throw in a few surprises as well. Once the show is done, we will leave you with an audience of happy supporters and the funds you need.
Can you guarantee we will make money with your magic show?
Yes, if you use our system you will make money. We will sit down with you and show you how do the best possible job of fundraising.
What if we have a small auditorium or theater?
We can do more than one show to reach as many people as possible.
Is your show family friendly?
Yes, we put on an all ages show appropriate for everyone.
Are you affiliated with the Magic Castle in Hollywood?
No, Ring 96 is not affiliated with the Magic Castle. However, many of our magicians are Magic Castle members.
How long is the show?
You tell us what you want and we will customize the show to meet your needs.
What do you get out of performing the show for us?
We hope to get publicity for our magic club: Ring 96. We also enjoy performing.
Frequently asked Questions