From the 405 Freeway, Seal Beach Blvd exit,
Go 1 mile north, turn left on St. Cloud.
The North Senior Center is on your Right
Near where the 405 & 605 freeways meet
Ring 96 is the local Seal Beach/Long Beach area chapter of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. We meet once a month to enjoy lectures, competitions and other exciting magic based events. We welcome all those who have a genuine interest in magic. Professional magicians, hobbiests, collectors, and fans are all welcome here.
Meetings are held at 7:00 P.M. on the third Saturday of every month at
The Seal Beach North Senior Center. 3333 Saint Cloud Drive, in Seal Beach
Ring 96 Mission Statement: To encourage and facilitate our members’ knowledge and improvement in the magical arts through lectures, workshops, competitions, and performance opportunities; and to expose the general public to the wonders of magic performance.
Next Meeting
April 19th at 7:00 pm. 3333 Saint Cloud Drive, Seal Beach, 90740
"Rich Cowley Lecture"
April 19th
May 17th
June 21st
John Guastaferro
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Rich Cowley Lecture